When we met the ladies at Women’s Choice Resource Center (WCRC) in Fort Worth, Texas, we knew we’d found our next CCI Cares partner. Education is critical to what they do, and it’s what we do better than anyone.
The dedicated volunteers and staff at WCRC are committed to giving their pregnant clients accurate health information to help these moms make informed decisions about their pregnancies. Having a baby is a big event in any woman’s life, particularly if it’s unplanned, so the more education about what’s happening, the better.
But there are challenges. The center relies on donations and volunteers to provide services, counseling, testing and other resources for free. This makes it hard to keep an inventory of updated pregnancy books on hand for clients.
Another hurdle is providing information in a format the women will use. Many of these mothers are young and low-income, facing an unintended pregnancy. Some may want to keep their condition confidential and not want pregnancy books lying around.
But the majority of these women have smartphones. And that’s where CCI comes in.
We’re working with Development Director Lauri Campbell to develop a WCRC-branded pregnancy education mobile app, which we’ll donate to the center. The app will give clients a secure place to find answers to their questions on demand. And since it can be updated digitally, WCRC doesn’t have to worry about distributing out-of-date printed materials.
And there’s one more added benefit. As all moms know, you have to learn to do everything with one hand while holding baby with the other. This mobile app makes it easy for new moms to find answers anywhere, anytime — even one-handed.
Come back next month to see how the WCRC’s custom-branded app turned out!